Art Business & Digitization


On art & digitization.

Digital technology has been challenging the established styles and forms of arts, and furthermore, the way in which we perceive art works. Meanwhile, the digital world has been inviting everyone to join the fascination of techno-art experience. Our patterns of art consumption are changing and evolving.

As part of the art world, art education is also facing the challenge of digitization. Beyond online education, art historians, market specialists, and other experts within the art business at organizations, such as Christie’s, are pursuing innovation to adapt to the new dynamism of art and digitization.

Christie's Virtual World


Mechanical reproduction allowed the mass distribution and possession of art works. Today’s digital technology made such experience even more accessible to the general public. This project was an initiative at Christie’s to take its art business and art education to the digital world in order to reach wider audience.

Through Christie's Virtual World, users can experience virtual galleries, engage in live tours, listen to audio programs, and create their own art works.

Interactive art & education experience.

Portable technology is blurring the boundary between physical and virtual reality, therefore, making art experience and art education more immersive.

My philosophy.

Just as we should always look at a painting with fresh eyes, we should examine the relationship between art and digitization with adaptive digital perspectives.

Disruptive business model.

The status quo of the art business has been shaken by digital technology. Creative business models are adding values to the art world, monetizing many parts of the art business that are just now starting to be defined.


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